Friday, September 13, 2013

the term "IDOL" as it was used in EXODUS 20:4 :

Exodus 20:4 You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters below the earth....

The reason why many catholic abandoned the Catholic Church is that they define the word idol by themselves and did not refer to a dictionary. The word IDOL is different from the word IMAGE
IMAGE is a visual representation.
IDOL is an object worshIped as god.
IMAGE are expressions of LOVE.
IDOLS are expression of STUPIDITY.
Destroying an IMAGE is an expression of HATRED.
Destroying an idol is an expression of LOVE on GOD.
Hatred is evil.
The golden calf that Moses destroy was an idol (object worshiped as God ) not a religiuos image
Roman Catholics only worship the living God not the image itself (read apostles creed)
The Apostles Creed

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen
------------------------IVAN ANDERSON---------------------------------

Monday, September 9, 2013


Are you in the state or condition of comfort or relaxation in this world with any unrighteous lifestyle? Listen “I will rise up against them says the Lord of hosts and will cut off from Babylon name and remnant, offspring and posterity says the Lord. And I will make it a possession of the hedgehog and pools of water and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction says the Lord of hosts” {Isaiah 14:22-23}

Remember Babylon stands for every bit unrighteousness, wickedness, hatred, sexual immoralities, bitterness, anger, rancor, pornography, masturbation, contraceptive production/dissemination/use, abortion, indecent-dressing, liars of any sort, idolatory, envy, gossip, adultery, fornication, buying and selling on Sundays and holy days of obligation, murder, occultism, witch-craftery, psychological manipulations, seductions, bribery, forgery and falsification of documents e.t.c thus “and on her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the great, mother of whores and of earth’s abominations” [Rev.17:5]

The Life we are living is an opportunity for us to walk out our salvation in fear and trembling (‘the Lord is not slow about his promise as some think of slowness but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance…therefore beloved while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish” 2 Pet.3:9,14)


Are you in the state or condition of comfort or relaxation in this world with any unrighteous lifestyle? Listen “I will rise up against them says the Lord of hosts and will cut off from Babylon name and remnant, offspring and posterity says the Lord. And I will make it a possession of the hedgehog and pools of water and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction says the Lord of hosts” {Isaiah 14:22-23}

Remember Babylon stands for every bit unrighteousness, wickedness, hatred, sexual immoralities, bitterness, anger, rancor, pornography, masturbation, contraceptive production/dissemination/use, abortion, indecent-dressing, liars of any sort, idolatory, envy, gossip, adultery, fornication, buying and selling on Sundays and holy days of obligation, murder, occultism, witch-craftery, psychological manipulations, seductions, bribery, forgery and falsification of documents e.t.c thus “and on her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the great, mother of whores and of earth’s abominations” [Rev.17:5]

The Life we are living is an opportunity for us to walk out our salvation in fear and trembling (‘the Lord is not slow about his promise as some think of slowness but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance…therefore beloved while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish” 2 Pet.3:9,14)


Out of all the righteous words used in the scripture none was worth using on this Daughter of Zion rather the promiscous and vulgar statement of the world 'sexy' which means she is not an image of God to you rather image of Sex. We can do without sex but we cannot do without God hence pick up your scriptures and use words that edifies the spirit of God in man to replace those vulgar vocabs in your system. Young woman be careful of the message you send and deposit in the conscious and unconscious nature of men via your dressing/picture/videos/comments bc 2moro you will be the one complaining of rape, assault, infidelity and heartbreak {"Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, so that the land may not become prostituted and full of depravity" Lev.19:29}

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Personally, I was pushed to write something about sex due to the distorted views of many people with regard to it. I have seen photos posted on social websites like facebook/badoo/netlog /2go etc, where the vagina is referred as the 'road to hell'. What a myopic view! It is really a pity.
It should be noted that 'sex' itself is a gift from God to humanity. By 'sex' here, i mean 'sexual intercourse' between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is good in itself because God made it for three purposes: first, for procreation; second, for unity; and third, for expression of marital love. So, there is nothing bad about sex.
However, sex could be improper or sinful (religious term) under two reasons: time and intention. The time refers to the moment or period it is done. When sex is done before marriage (pre-marital), it is improper and sinful because it does not respect the purpose for which sex is made - procreation, unity and marital love. Again, when sex is done with the sole intention of satisfying one's sexual instinct or to gain mere pleasure, it is also improper. Sex is an exclusive activity between two persons who have been united by love through the Sacrament of Marriage. It is only in marriage that the meaning and purposes of sex is actually realized. Therefore, sex is not a 'road to hell'. Rather, it can lead one to hell if and ony if it is done outside the required time, and with the wrong intention. In those cases, it is said to be sinful, which can be forgiven if the sinner seeks forgiveness from God with perfect contrition.
- Drogba, writing from Ekwulobia.
i concur with you guy. However your write-up is still begging for further explanations.1. is that act of intercourse right out of religion because i know it is part of the need of man like desire to learn, eat, clothing, shelter, and all these i mentioned are not tagged as sinful by religion (with respect to time and intention) instead religion says overeating is sinful (gluttony). Please throw more light on this. Writing from Owerri (O town)
@ Paschal, you do not own yourself. Rather, You take care of it. That is why you play according to the rule of the owner who is God hence sex is for the appropriate time and intention.
Thanks dears. @John, thanks for d reply. @Paschal, sex is not to be equated with other instincts. Sex is sacred. It has a deep meaning. This is why the marriage institution was instituted as the only place sex could be done rationally and formally. Outside this institution, sex loses its meaning.

If sex is sacred and a gift from God, does it not follow that those who refuse to use that gift as he intended for whatever reason displeases God.
Sex is a gift for those who wish to achieve the 3 purposes i mentioned. However, sex is meant for the institution of marriage, and marriage is a vocation that is not meant for all men. It is not a necessity that must be attained by all, rather for those who wish to go into it. We are created to love God. Therefore, there is nothing wrong that some people should choose not to enter into the institution of marriage in order to serve God with an undivided heart and mind. It is not a rejection of God's gift (sex), rather, an acceptance of God's love for us who instituted the priesthood.

I know that outside of religion, crimes like killing, stealing and rape are still considered bad, is sex considered bad outside of religion especially among two consenting adults that are not married in a religious or traditional way
Seeking for the essence of sex with the lens of religion might surely distort the truth. So let's look for it on a neutral ground, for the sake of moralists.
Yes, humanly speaking sex ought to be organized. It is not a matter of consent between two persons alone. The parents and the community have to be aware that these two persons want to unite through sex. Every sexual activity between two persons (man and woman) speaks the language of love and unity. This is why we are rational beings. We are different from animals who indulge anyhow and whenever. Ours is not a matter of agreement between just two, it involves the society that is why we are social beings. It is wrong and irrational to do it based on mere agreement between two persons. Sex has no meaning in that affair. The society is always aware. This is why marriage institution remains the oldest institution even many years before religion.
I think this is a good point. However when you place this vis-à-vis the biblical ordination of sex, it becomes questionable since Adam and Eve had no society to consent. And Jesus said that is why a man should leave mother and body. Please explain, remember I concur with you. It is for the sake of moralist that I ask
The name Adam refers to humanity. A society is already involved potentially, though not in actuality yet. This is the reason why the sin of Adam and Eve is referred to as the sin of mankind. Every human being shares in that sin. Therefore, Adam is not just an entity but a society. Just as Jesus said, a man leaving his father and mother is a formal arrangement which is meant at a particular moment in one's life. It is not an ordinary leaving. The society is aware that this particular man is leaving his parents to stay together with this particular woman. It is formally arranged. Anything short of this authority, is informal and irrational, and thus inhuman.

@Paschal. Would you have sex with your sister simply because two of you consented and are adults? Answer me this question please.
If you need money, your mother can give you that. If you need sex, would she give you that because two of you are adults and consented? Tell me then the difference between you and the dog/goat/horse at your backyard? Remember we are reasoning on plain ground.


Personally, I was pushed to write something about sex due to the distorted views of many people with regard to it. I have seen photos posted on social websites like facebook/badoo/netlog /2go etc, where the vagina is referred as the 'road to hell'. What a myopic view! It is really a pity.
It should be noted that 'sex' itself is a gift from God to humanity. By 'sex' here, i mean 'sexual intercourse' between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is good in itself because God made it for three purposes: first, for procreation; second, for unity; and third, for expression of marital love. So, there is nothing bad about sex.
However, sex could be improper or sinful (religious term) under two reasons: time and intention. The time refers to the moment or period it is done. When sex is done before marriage (pre-marital), it is improper and sinful because it does not respect the purpose for which sex is made - procreation, unity and marital love. Again, when sex is done with the sole intention of satisfying one's sexual instinct or to gain mere pleasure, it is also improper. Sex is an exclusive activity between two persons who have been united by love through the Sacrament of Marriage. It is only in marriage that the meaning and purposes of sex is actually realized. Therefore, sex is not a 'road to hell'. Rather, it can lead one to hell if and ony if it is done outside the required time, and with the wrong intention. In those cases, it is said to be sinful, which can be forgiven if the sinner seeks forgiveness from God with perfect contrition.
- Drogba, writing from Ekwulobia.
i concur with you guy. However your write-up is still begging for further explanations.1. is that act of intercourse right out of religion because i know it is part of the need of man like desire to learn, eat, clothing, shelter, and all these i mentioned are not tagged as sinful by religion (with respect to time and intention) instead religion says overeating is sinful (gluttony). Please throw more light on this. Writing from Owerri (O town)
@ Paschal, you do not own yourself. Rather, You take care of it. That is why you play according to the rule of the owner who is God hence sex is for the appropriate time and intention.
Thanks dears. @John, thanks for d reply. @Paschal, sex is not to be equated with other instincts. Sex is sacred. It has a deep meaning. This is why the marriage institution was instituted as the only place sex could be done rationally and formally. Outside this institution, sex loses its meaning.

If sex is sacred and a gift from God, does it not follow that those who refuse to use that gift as he intended for whatever reason displeases God.
Sex is a gift for those who wish to achieve the 3 purposes i mentioned. However, sex is meant for the institution of marriage, and marriage is a vocation that is not meant for all men. It is not a necessity that must be attained by all, rather for those who wish to go into it. We are created to love God. Therefore, there is nothing wrong that some people should choose not to enter into the institution of marriage in order to serve God with an undivided heart and mind. It is not a rejection of God's gift (sex), rather, an acceptance of God's love for us who instituted the priesthood.

I know that outside of religion, crimes like killing, stealing and rape are still considered bad, is sex considered bad outside of religion especially among two consenting adults that are not married in a religious or traditional way
Seeking for the essence of sex with the lens of religion might surely distort the truth. So let's look for it on a neutral ground, for the sake of moralists.
Yes, humanly speaking sex ought to be organized. It is not a matter of consent between two persons alone. The parents and the community have to be aware that these two persons want to unite through sex. Every sexual activity between two persons (man and woman) speaks the language of love and unity. This is why we are rational beings. We are different from animals who indulge anyhow and whenever. Ours is not a matter of agreement between just two, it involves the society that is why we are social beings. It is wrong and irrational to do it based on mere agreement between two persons. Sex has no meaning in that affair. The society is always aware. This is why marriage institution remains the oldest institution even many years before religion.
I think this is a good point. However when you place this vis-à-vis the biblical ordination of sex, it becomes questionable since Adam and Eve had no society to consent. And Jesus said that is why a man should leave mother and body. Please explain, remember I concur with you. It is for the sake of moralist that I ask
The name Adam refers to humanity. A society is already involved potentially, though not in actuality yet. This is the reason why the sin of Adam and Eve is referred to as the sin of mankind. Every human being shares in that sin. Therefore, Adam is not just an entity but a society. Just as Jesus said, a man leaving his father and mother is a formal arrangement which is meant at a particular moment in one's life. It is not an ordinary leaving. The society is aware that this particular man is leaving his parents to stay together with this particular woman. It is formally arranged. Anything short of this authority, is informal and irrational, and thus inhuman.

@Paschal. Would you have sex with your sister simply because two of you consented and are adults? Answer me this question please.
If you need money, your mother can give you that. If you need sex, would she give you that because two of you are adults and consented? Tell me then the difference between you and the dog/goat/horse at your backyard? Remember we are reasoning on plain ground.


Personally, I was pushed to write something about sex due to the distorted views of many people with regard to it. I have seen photos posted on social websites like facebook/badoo/netlog /2go etc, where the vagina is referred as the 'road to hell'. What a myopic view! It is really a pity.
It should be noted that 'sex' itself is a gift from God to humanity. By 'sex' here, i mean 'sexual intercourse' between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is good in itself because God made it for three purposes: first, for procreation; second, for unity; and third, for expression of marital love. So, there is nothing bad about sex.
However, sex could be improper or sinful (religious term) under two reasons: time and intention. The time refers to the moment or period it is done. When sex is done before marriage (pre-marital), it is improper and sinful because it does not respect the purpose for which sex is made - procreation, unity and marital love. Again, when sex is done with the sole intention of satisfying one's sexual instinct or to gain mere pleasure, it is also improper. Sex is an exclusive activity between two persons who have been united by love through the Sacrament of Marriage. It is only in marriage that the meaning and purposes of sex is actually realized. Therefore, sex is not a 'road to hell'. Rather, it can lead one to hell if and ony if it is done outside the required time, and with the wrong intention. In those cases, it is said to be sinful, which can be forgiven if the sinner seeks forgiveness from God with perfect contrition.
- Drogba, writing from Ekwulobia.
i concur with you guy. However your write-up is still begging for further explanations.1. is that act of intercourse right out of religion because i know it is part of the need of man like desire to learn, eat, clothing, shelter, and all these i mentioned are not tagged as sinful by religion (with respect to time and intention) instead religion says overeating is sinful (gluttony). Please throw more light on this. Writing from Owerri (O town)
@ Paschal, you do not own yourself. Rather, You take care of it. That is why you play according to the rule of the owner who is God hence sex is for the appropriate time and intention.
Thanks dears. @John, thanks for d reply. @Paschal, sex is not to be equated with other instincts. Sex is sacred. It has a deep meaning. This is why the marriage institution was instituted as the only place sex could be done rationally and formally. Outside this institution, sex loses its meaning.

If sex is sacred and a gift from God, does it not follow that those who refuse to use that gift as he intended for whatever reason displeases God.
Sex is a gift for those who wish to achieve the 3 purposes i mentioned. However, sex is meant for the institution of marriage, and marriage is a vocation that is not meant for all men. It is not a necessity that must be attained by all, rather for those who wish to go into it. We are created to love God. Therefore, there is nothing wrong that some people should choose not to enter into the institution of marriage in order to serve God with an undivided heart and mind. It is not a rejection of God's gift (sex), rather, an acceptance of God's love for us who instituted the priesthood.

I know that outside of religion, crimes like killing, stealing and rape are still considered bad, is sex considered bad outside of religion especially among two consenting adults that are not married in a religious or traditional way
Seeking for the essence of sex with the lens of religion might surely distort the truth. So let's look for it on a neutral ground, for the sake of moralists.
Yes, humanly speaking sex ought to be organized. It is not a matter of consent between two persons alone. The parents and the community have to be aware that these two persons want to unite through sex. Every sexual activity between two persons (man and woman) speaks the language of love and unity. This is why we are rational beings. We are different from animals who indulge anyhow and whenever. Ours is not a matter of agreement between just two, it involves the society that is why we are social beings. It is wrong and irrational to do it based on mere agreement between two persons. Sex has no meaning in that affair. The society is always aware. This is why marriage institution remains the oldest institution even many years before religion.
I think this is a good point. However when you place this vis-à-vis the biblical ordination of sex, it becomes questionable since Adam and Eve had no society to consent. And Jesus said that is why a man should leave mother and body. Please explain, remember I concur with you. It is for the sake of moralist that I ask
The name Adam refers to humanity. A society is already involved potentially, though not in actuality yet. This is the reason why the sin of Adam and Eve is referred to as the sin of mankind. Every human being shares in that sin. Therefore, Adam is not just an entity but a society. Just as Jesus said, a man leaving his father and mother is a formal arrangement which is meant at a particular moment in one's life. It is not an ordinary leaving. The society is aware that this particular man is leaving his parents to stay together with this particular woman. It is formally arranged. Anything short of this authority, is informal and irrational, and thus inhuman.

@Paschal. Would you have sex with your sister simply because two of you consented and are adults? Answer me this question please.
If you need money, your mother can give you that. If you need sex, would she give you that because two of you are adults and consented? Tell me then the difference between you and the dog/goat/horse at your backyard? Remember we are reasoning on plain ground.