Sunday, April 27, 2014


If you live around Lagos metropolis
You do not have a job currently,
You have a job but you need something better,
You have a job but after years of assiduous efforts no tangible results,
You have a job but on Sunday evenings your blood pressure escalates?

Visit this organisation where young graduates use their ideas to create opportunities and wealth not minding Nigeria Up-turn Economy;

84 Itire Road Trinity House by Morgan bus-stop Mushin.

DATE:- 29th April, 2014

TIME:- 9:30AM



Friday, April 4, 2014


Marioplus Enterprise Limited is into business development, intellectual development, recruitment, training and staffing. This organization has come up with ideas and a wonderful platform that is changing the lives of many Nigerians from where they used to be in poverty, timidity and under-development to where they ought to be in life not minding the unstable equilibrium in the country’s economy. This idea thrives much more faster with our varying economic changes thus we are looking out for those who have a craze/desire/passion to succeed in life despite all odds just like the great majority of Successful Nigerians we have today who are not into crime, fraud or rituals and did not travel outside the country to become great.

Interest in life to be successful
Willingness to do what your age-mates will not do now in order to have the type of lifestyle they can never have in their dream
Deterministic mindset to set a target followed up with achievable goals for every thick of the time
Enthusiastic mentality born from the fact that those who were in the organization before you are successful thus your success is sure as far as one does not give-up on the way.

Literate or non-literate i.e whether you have been to school or never been to school at all in your life but you want to be successful in life
Whether you attended only primary school
Whether you attended only secondary school
Whether you have SSCE or NOT
Whether you are a Jambite or NOT (Tired of dashing jamb your money every year in order to get admission into University that collects your money for 4-5years without hope for any job)
Whether you are undergraduate or Drop-out
Whether you have graduated, serving or yet to serve
Whether you have acquired all the certifications in the Academia or NOT

Your Crave/Desire/Passion to become successful is what we need!!!
Text “INTERESTED” to 08034220713, I will invite you immediately to our organization for briefing and details on this opportunity.