Many were saying give your life to JESUS (Mtt.1:24)
for he is our Savior; yes this is the one first, basic and important step but
is that all?
Such a person needs to be informed about good
works that compliments faith as JESUS himself retorted ‘it is not anyone who
says to me, Lord, Lord who will enter the kingdom of Heaven but the person who
does the will of my Father in Heaven’ [Mtt.7:21] also St. James rightly stated “how
does it help my brothers when someone who has never done a single god act
claims to have faith? Will that faith bring salvation? {James 2:14}
Hence such a person needs to flee from this sin
as a snake (Sirach 21:2)as well as renounce it which involves change of environment thus
Be informed that as a human being (imago Dei;
image of God: Gen.1:26-27) you are masters of everything including your
passions hence “do not be governed by your passions, restrain your desires. If
you allow yourself to satisfy your desires, this will make you the laughing-stock
of your enemies” {Sirach 18:30-31}
Change the type of friends you keep or hang out
with new ones who practice genuine Christianity not lip-service Christians (‘this
people worship me with their mouths but their hearts are far away from me’ Mtt.15:8)
because bad company ruins good moral (1 Cor.15:34) hence “cultivate your
neighbors to the best of your ability and consult with the wise. For
conversation seek the intelligent, let all your discussions bear on the law of
the Most High. Have the upright for your table companions and let your pride be
in fearing the Lord” {Sirach 9:14-16}.
Change the type of books you read, videos and
films you buy, watch and keep around you, pictures you watch, download on your
phones and laptops and hang in your rooms, shops and company’s and the places
you visit because all these things are the gateways through which we feed our
thoughts, thoughts control our passions and desires which manifest themselves
in our speech, reasoning and actions hence “More than else, keep watch over
your heart, since here are the wellsprings of life” (Prov.4:23) and ‘out of the
abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks’
Change the type of clothes you wear as well as
your entire fashion sense because when you wear tops that are too-tight to your
breast; you always the screeching of such tops against your nipples which
excites lustful passions in some women or tops that reveals your breast and
makes you admire your breast more than necessary which also has been proven
psychologically and medically to be a medium of sexual ecstasy on most women or
those admiring you whether male or female colleagues hence you hear accusing
statements and expressions of inner lust from such people as this “you are
looking sexy, cute, sharp, hot e.t.c in tandem with this passage ‘…the accuser
of our brethren who accuses them day and night before our God’ {Rev.12:10}
while some will fornicate with you in their hearts (‘if anyone looks at a woman
lustfully, he has committed fornication with her in his heart’ Mtt.5:27) as
others will go home masturbating while calling your name since you are very
quick at giving out your names to people who compliment your indecent dressing
You need to spend more time reading the WORD (‘in
the beginning was the WORD, the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD’ Jn.1:1)
as you implore the Holy Spirit of God (‘after making man out of the dust of the
earth, He breathed into him the breath of life’ Gen.2:7) in you to aid your
understanding of the Scriptures in the right sense (“any of you who lacks
wisdom must ask God, who gives to all generously and without scolding; it will
be given” James 1:5) as you open your self to HIS GRACE and the guidance of the
Holy Spirit (‘but when you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law’ Gal.5:18)
because with God nothing is impossible (Lk.1:37).
Men who exploit people of this category who
come around you with a quest for fingering, oral-sex, fornication, massaging, and
prostitution or for counseling/help/prayers should be mindful of the words of
Christ (Mtt.18:6, Mk.9:42, Lk.17:1-2) “anyone who leads any of these little ones
of mine into sin is better thrown into the ocean with a big-stone hung around
his neck” so you better practice self-control than inflict more pains on these
people who need our help.
Ladies who admire those who go on skimpy
dresses like trousers, tight-tops, tight-skirts, hot-mini, see-through apparels
(clothes that reveal under wear), show back/breast/tummy, shot-bomb, sleeveless
e.t.c as well as other funny fashion life-style of fixing artificial nails,
weavons, eye-lashes, attachments, lip-sticks, color-rioting in the name of
make-ups for what God was not able to make well that depicts and often
transfers the wicked and promiscuous life of Jezebel into them should be
careful because all that glitters is not gold. Many who are finding it
difficult to control their sexual libido and would freely open their legs to
any man as well as dogs, cats, horses, rabbits their fingers, candle-sticks,
banana-sticks and sexual vibrators were those who said let me just have a fling
or a quickie with their boyfriends during campus days, house-boys when the
husband went for a trip, office-colleague inside the comfort-room/main office
behind closed doors after office hours, inside the change-over cubicle within
boutiques when there is no other customer, at the back of the house when no one
seems to be watching e.t.c. You sit in your grace-filled realm as a child of
GOD admiring them or planning how to join their social status while they weep
every second as they pray God to grant them the Grace of last return and denunciation
of their present predicament. They might receive answers to their prayers
towards the tail-end of their lives and they will be giving few strokes (purgatory)
according to St. Luke gospel “the one who did not know, but has acted in such a
way that deserves a beating, will be given fewer stokes…” (Lk.12:48) but “the
servant who knows what his master wants but has got nothing ready and done
nothing in accord with those wishes will be given a great many strokes of the
lash” {Lk.12:47} because Ezekiel prophesied thus “if I say to someone upright:
you are to live and then trusting in this uprightness, he does wrong none of
the uprightness will be remembered; because of the wrong doing he will die. If however
I say to someone wicked: you are to die and he turns back from sin and does
what is lawful and upright, if he returns pledges, restores what he has stolen,
keeps the laws that give life and no longer does wrong, he will live and will
not die” (Ezek.33:13-15) but do not wait for last minute rush because the hour,
time and moment that the master will come you do not know (Lk.12:35-36) in
essence ‘make the best of the present time for it is a wicked age’ (Eph.5:16)by
spending every passing second as if it were my (your) last. Those who died
today you are not holier, healthier, stronger or better than them.
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