Friday, August 24, 2012

Forgiveness from God/ Secrets from God

How do you feel after deceiving yourself at the sacramental confession (Jn.20:22-23)? Because you decided to either justify some of your sins as minor offences, despicable (no one should hear/know apart from me and the environment therein because of my position in the church/society/family e.t.c), professional ethics that are anti-God {‘adulterers! Do you not realize that love for the world is hatred for God? Anyone who chooses the world for a friend is constituted an enemy of God’ James 4:4}, the time it happened [distance between now and the present; childhood, teen-ages e.t.c], the position of the accomplist, the character of the priest (‘since you have been forewarned about this, my dear friends, be careful that you do not come to the point of losing the firm ground that you are standing on, carried away by the errors of unprincipled people’ 2Pet.3:17) and your lack of knowledge of the Word [“My people perish for want of knowledge. Since you yourself have rejected knowledge, so shall I reject you from my priesthood; since you have forgotten the teaching of your God, I in turn shall forget your children” Hosea 4:6] under this paraphrase:
“the ones I remember and the ones I do not remember; I am sorry for all of them” while you willingly held them to yourself i.e hoping to grant yourself pardon for all these other sins as opposed to this passage ‘And it is for the Lord our God to have mercy and to pardon since we have betrayed him’ {Dan.9:9}.

It will be in your best interest to open up such canker thoroughly to God through the priest for complete healing (‘when he saw them he said, Go and show yourselves to the priests. Now as they were going away they were cleansed’ Lk.17:14) or face the poisonous fangs of your conscience till death {“then the Lord God of Sabaoth revealed this to my ears, this guilt will never be forgiven you until you are dead, says the Lord God of Sabaoth” Isaiah 22:14} because the secrets of our hearts from conception till date is as clear as the day before God [‘my being held no secrets from you, when I was being formed in secret, textured in the depths of the earth. Your eyes could see my embryo. In your book all my days were inscribed every one that was fixed is there’ Ps.139:15-16] who will judge us according to all of them in Christ (“according to the gospel that I preach, God through Jesus Christ, judges all human secrets” Rom.2:16) whose life we are living {“because you have died and now the life you have is hidden with Christ in God. but when Christ is revealed – and he is your life – you too, will be revealed with him in glory” Col.3:3-4} hence we are going to be revealed with Jesus Christ in the glory of heaven if our actual lifestyles here on earth exudes righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17-19)

The question for thought is “why should I allow my flesh which will be eaten up by maggots and ants (Isaiah 14:11) one day to control my spirit that will face judgment with an imperishable reward of either burning lake of sulphur [Rev.21:8] while one can rarely stand the flame from the stick of a matches/candle yet I am unwillingly to give up incest {mother to son, father to daughter, cousin to cousin, brother to sister, son with aunty, daughter with uncle, sister-in-law with brother-in-law, father-in-law with daughter-in-law, mother-in-law with son-in-law}, adultery (with husband’s best friend, with wife’s best friend, with next-door neighbor, with office colleagues/boss/clients, with lecturers/students, with church members/clergy), the truth about the paternity of your child to your husband and the child which will be more disastrous when the truth finally comes from outsiders, lesbian and homosexual lifestyles, nude/hal-nude/dirty pictures/videos/comments/write-ups of yourself or others that you watch/download/upload/read/keep/use around [phones/laptops/rooms/ipods/ipads] us from the internet/market which brings about uncontrolled passions, evil desires, impurities and sexual vices like masturbation, fornication, rape, indecent dressing on women (show-back/breast/underwear, tight tops/skirts/gowns, mini/pencil skirts, sleeveless/strapless tops, trousers, transparent clothes, boxers/bomb-shorts e.t.c) and men {tight shorts/trousers, sleeveless, boxers, transparent clothes e.t.c}, anger, hot temper, malice, abusive language, dirty talk, heresy, glutton, drunkenness, partying-spirit, abortion, pride, lying, buying and selling on Sundays/holy days of obligation, insults on parents/enemies/age-mates/relations/friends, idolatry, sorcerer, stealing, cultism e.t.c or gain the free water of life (Rev.21:17) for those who aim at glory, honor and immortality by persevering in good deeds (Rom.2:7)

Just turn around from your enslavement to those secrets {“I made my sin known to you, did not conceal my guilt. I said, I shall confess my offence to God. and you, for your part took away my guilt, forgave my sin” Ps.32:5}; love righteousness and hate sin then God will raise you above your contemporaries (‘you love uprightness and detest evil. This is why God, your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness, as none of your rivals’ Heb.1:9) because he does not desire the death of a sinner (“shake off all the crimes you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why die, House of Israel? I take no pleasure in the death of anyone—declares the Lord God – so repent and live!” Ezek.18:31-32).

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