Thursday, February 14, 2013


As we celebrate the feast of a great Son and Priest of the Church {St. Valentine} who was clubbed to death on the 14th of February because of his love for God which attracted the affection of young girl to him and having received the correct orientation about love, let us imitate his example instead of blacklisting this glorious day which a man like Valentine used as an opportunity to brevity; taking his rightful place beside the throne of Love [“A good name is better than precious ointment and the day of death than the day of birth” Eccl.7:1]

Try to use a day like this to reach out to the poor, unloved, motherless-babies, the aged around you, give a call or send a text message to that your brother/sister/mother/father/cousin/friend/relation/enemy e.t.c whose presence or memory irritates your ego as a way of pulling down the wall of pride in you and your environment.

If your desire or knowledge of a day like this is disoriented towards corruption, deceit, glutton, drunkenness, pornography, masturbation, fornication, adultery, lesbianism, homosexuality, bestiality, lustiness in dressing/dancing, easy virtue of undoing the glory of your body by undressing before any man or woman as a stripper/boyfriend/girlfriend/sugar-daddy/sugar-mummy/friends without benefit {opposite/same sex who meet to have casual sex without being married} e.t.c just bear in mind that St. Valentine was clubbed to death on a day like this while sticking to righteousness against all odds hence is enjoying the bliss of Heaven beside God who is Love {1 Jn.4:8} therefore it is possible for anybody to die on a day like this while in acts/thoughts/places/habits/pleasures e.t.c that are detestable to God hence gaining the whole world while suffering the loss of his/her soul [‘what does it profit them if they gain the whole world, but lose or forfeit themselves?’ Lk.9:25] or destroying the future by making a wrong memory for tomorrow, genealogy and generation {“Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow” Gal.6:7}.

Do not engage in anything that you will not be able to gaze towards Heaven and seek for Divine approval and Blessing!!! “Let your love for one another be genuine and from a pure heart” (1 Pet.4:8)

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